It's true - students at Central Commerce Collegiate learn bike mechanics during a for-credit co-op course! And, thanks to partnerships with CultureLink Settlement Services, Cycle Toronto, The Toronto Cycling Think & Do Tank and Evergreen, students graduate from the course with a bike to ride home that they have built themselves. As students of the course presented their story during our "Youth in Action" Panel, audience members wondered how to make courses like this one accessible to students across the province.
Summit participants replace a bike tire with help from our partners at the CAA.
The positive impact of in-school bike programs reaches beyond learning to build a bike. The school also offers a bike club where first time & long time riders bike together in a comfortable setting. One participant spoke about how she was nervous about cycling on city streets until she tried it as part of the group.

The bike club has also provided students with the opportunity to reach out to local decision makers. Students at the school have attended City Council meetings to speak about the importance of cycling as a mode of transportation for Ontario's youth.

Thank-you to students and teachers at Central Commerce Collegiate, Cycle Toronto and CultureLink for joining us Sunday to share your success. It is encouraging to see that courses like this are possible with the right partnerships.

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